Helpful info about your opponent (John) will appear here.
Helpful info about your opponent (Laura) will appear here.
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Click the Deal Cards button to deal new cards.    
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Promise Hands consists of multiple rounds of play where each player is trying to achieve the best hand.

For this online version of the game, you will play against one or more virtual opponents. Each player starts with 100 points.

How to Play
  1. Click the Deal Cards button to start.
  2. In each round, each player is dealt five cards. Your five cards will be visible in the center white area above.
  3. After you receive your cards, click on each card that you want to replace. You will see a gold check mark appear on each card that will be replaced.
  4. Click the Replace Cards button to replace the cards that are checked.
  5. The person with the best hand wins the round. See the Hands of Promises below to see the ranking of the hands.
  6. Points are assigned to each player after the round. The points are in the table next to these instructions, or above these instructions if you are on a mobile device.
  7. After 12 rounds of play, a winner is declared and recognized.
The Hands of Promises (possible hands) from lowest to highest value are as follows:
  1. Simple Hand: None of the hands below
  2. One Promise (Solo): One card from the Promise category
  3. Two Promises (Duo): Two cards from the Promise category
  4. Three Promises (Trio): Three cards from the Promise category
  5. Four Promises (Quartet): Four cards from the Promise category
  6. Lineage: All 5 cards are in numerical order.
  7. Harmony: All 5 cards are in the same category. For example, five Mercy cards or five Love cards.
  8. Full Hand: Three cards with the same number and two cards with the same number. For example, three 10’s and two 7’s.
  9. Four Numbers (Quad): Four of the same number. For example, Four 8's or Four 12's.
  10. Covenant (Five Promises): All five cards are in the Promise category.
  11. Harmony Line: All 5 cards are in the same category AND are in numerical order.
  12. Covenant Line: All five cards are in the Promise category AND are in numerical order.
  13. Holy Hand (aka Blessed Hand): All 5 cards have the words of Christ (5 cards with red letters).
  14. High Holy Hand (aka Blessed Line): All 5 cards have the words of Christ (red letters) and form a numerical sequence.

If a player has none of the above hands, their hand is a Simple Hand. For this virtual version, if you have a Simple Hand you will lose points.

If you are playing with an actual set of cards, click here to see the Promise Hands Instructions.


Round Number 0
Player Name Points
**You** 100
John 100
Laura 100
  Hand Name Points
1 Simple Hand -20
2 One Promise 20
3 Two Promises 30
4 Three Promises 50
5 Four Promises 120
6 Lineage 200
7 Harmony 300
8 Full Hand 400
9 Four Numbers 500
10 Covenant (Five Promises) 600
11 Harmony Line 800
12 Covenant Line 1000